Advanced Certificate
— Web Design and Development
Sessions College for Professional Design
Bachelor of Arts
— Asian Studies
The George Washington University
Great Design Co.
mock design agency
Built with React and Next.js. CSS3 animation used for navigation buttons. Sass automatically compiled with Next.js. Design by me.
- Routing — Next.js's App Router
- Image carousels — react-slick
- UUIDs for React keys — uuid
The Fresh Grocer
mock website redesign
Built with React and Next.js. Sass automatically compiled with Next.js. Design by me.
product landing page
Landing page created for the Grandstand platform, a product of iStrategyLabs. Built with Vue.js, Foundation, flexbox, Sass, and jQuery. CSS3 transitions, transforms, and keyframes used for animating the SVG elements. Compiled with Gulp and Browserify. Design comps provided by the ISL design team.
product landing page
Landing page created for the Viable app, a product of iStrategyLabs. Built with Vue.js, Foundation, flexbox, Sass, and jQuery. Compiled with Gulp and Browserify. Design comps provided by the ISL design team.
International Builders' Show
site relaunch
Website created for the NAHB International Builders' Show while on contract at Modern Signal. Built with Bootstrap, Less, and JavaScript. SmartMenus used for primary navigation. Select2 used for customized select boxes. Slick used for image carousels. Less compiled with Koala. Design comps provided by client.
my portfolio
Built with React and Next.js. CSS3 animation used for navigation buttons on hover. Sass automatically compiled with Next.js. Design by me.
- Contact form submission — Formspree API
- Smooth-scrolling for navigation — React Scroll
- Vector icons — Font Awesome
- UUIDs for React keys — uuid
Bracco: Learn the Truth
Single-page microsite created for Bracco while on assignment at Bailey Brand Consulting. Built with Bootstrap from Photoshop comps provided by client. jQuery used for Case Studies and bar graph carousel. Sass compiled with Koala.
landing page templates
Marketing page templates created for Upserve (formerly known as Swipely). Built with Upserve's own grid system for use within Marketo. Design comps provided by client.
itslearning, inc.
channel partner page template
Global contact page template created for itslearning. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. Tested and deployed in Marketo. CSS3 multiple background images and background-size used for header, and @font-face used for all fonts. jQuery .toggleClass and .slideToggle used for dropdown list. Design comps provided by client.
City Hospital
homepage prototype
Based on a homepage prototype created for a government SharePoint website while on contract with Bixal. Dropdown on hover plugin used for primary navigation links. CSS3 @font-face used for all fonts. Slick used for video carousel. jQuery used for Calendar and "Chat With Us" box. Design comps provided by Bixal design team.
Modern Signal
client employee page
Company employee page prototype created for a client while on contract at Modern Signal. Built with Bootstrap. Responsive lightbox created with jQuery. MixItUp jQuery plugin used for sorting. Sass compiled with Koala. Design comps provided by client.
itslearning, inc.
email templates
Responsive marketing email templates created for itslearning for use within Marketo. Built with HTML and CSS. Design comps provided by client.
Flickr photo search
independent project
A simple Flickr photo search. Photos fetched from Flickr API through its public feed by utilizing jQuery and AJAX. CSS3 transitions used for form label, submit button, text input focus, and image hovers. CSS3 gradients and transformations used for submit button. Build tools include Babel, Browserify, UglifyJS, and Koala. Design by me.